Friday, May 2, 2008

Here I Go Again

Well, the story continues.

After a long period of drought, the rain returns in the form of these ever present thoughts.

Life continues to move forward, dragging on giant chains the world-pillars of worry and obligation, the mighty Titan holding the Sanctuary of the Gods upon his back.

But the Titan is lost within the world the Gods created. In crimsons and blues and hues all shaded with the fiery passions of a thousand lives burning so brightly in time.

He swears his alliegiance to the Gods and upholds his obligation.

And that serves as the continuing metaphor for the world as it is seen at some times.

I have enrolled and am ensconced in The University of Mississippi. It is a place, and I can call it home. I thank my family for providing for this opportunity to find what it is that I can find here.

There is not much else to say right now. I am still very tired, but I am trying to stay awake until an hour for sleep arrives. I search for an hour that will maintain the soma's circadian rhythms.

The story of arrival at this point will be taken up next time.

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