Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Best Day Ever!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all having excellent days, although based upon the laws of balance it seems less likely than usual. Today I went to an audition for teaching yoga and was accepted! I will be an instructor next fall at the USM Payne Center.

Thanks so much for all of your support as I worked my way toward this goal. And if you're ever in the area, feel free to drop in and take a course.

Love and Blessings,

An Odd Question

For some reason on this job application they ask for "Hometown newspaper" which is of course The Sun Herald, but why?

Fourth attempt at posting class schedule

Here's (hopefully) my schedule for the fall semester:

Select Class Description Days/Times Location Instructor Units Status
AOS 201-H001
Evolution Air Space (Lecture) Th 1:00PM - 2:15PM GHB 103A D. Haven 1.00
AOS 201L-H001
Air Force Lead Lab (Laboratory) Th 3:50PM - 6:35PM GHB 113 J. Giron 1.00
BSC 111-H001
Prin Of Biol Sci II (Lecture) TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM TEC 106 D. Beckett 3.00
BSC 111L-H003
Prin Bio Sci II Lab (Laboratory) Mo 3:30PM - 6:15PM WSB 109 A. Lee 1.00
CHE 106-H001
Gen Chemistry I (Lecture) MoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AM WSB 137 D. Booth 3.00
CHE 106L-H004
Gen Chem I Lab (Laboratory) Tu 2:25PM - 5:05PM WSB 245 T. Masterson 1.00
ENG 102-H003
Composition Two (Lecture) MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM CH 201 R. Boada 3.00
MAT 103-H004
Plane Trigonometry (Lecture) TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM SH 304 E. Howell 3.00
REL 131-H002
Comparative Rel (Lecture) MoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AM LAB 102 Staff 3.00

I know about half of this won't show up, but the important stuff is on the left side of the chart anyway.

19 hours, should be fun. Two of the courses are Air Force courses, and I am really glad I didn't have to drop chemistry or math. I would have had to, but the school added a new class time to trigonometry at the last minute.

Another One Bites the Dust . . . Another Exam that Is

Alright, so I just got back after finishing my biology exam, which was relatively easy. There were about three, maybe four questions I might have gotten wrong (out of sixty-five), and I knew all of the bonus questions except 1/4 of a listing question that was worth one bonus point total. So I am definitely hoping for an A.

I have a Yoga teaching audition at two o' clock this afternoon in the gym (the Payne Center, if you can believe it). I am starting to get nervous, but I am confident things will work out as they are meant to be. I still have something on the order of 30 questions to answer for the English self-evaluation project. I am thankful I have already completed my revisions and I hope to have the rest of the questions done by this evening. My applications for employment are all filled out and all I need to do is print the class schedule for next fall.

I already talked about the flood, right? Everyone I've talked to so far has insurance, so I think we're alright as a community. Enjoy your day.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Strange Fact

The manatee is the elephants closest living relative.

Yep, the sea cow is more like a sea elephant.

How weird is that, bro?

Natural Disasters, a lot to Write, and Life to Study

Today in Hattiesburg we had what the weather service define as a "Flash Flood." I understand why. I got caught in it on my way home from running errands . . . (bank, library, post office) . . . and it was, well, amazing. The water was up to my knees at least in some places, and well up past the wheel wells of some cars. I was running through it trying to get out of these huge pools of water before a Flash of lightning came down and gave me a real nice toast. Anyway, I feel very sad for everyone whose cars got flooded. I know some of them probably won't work anymore. I hope everyone has flood insurance.

I don't have a car, so I avoided catastrophe. However, I was at a much higher risk of getting struck by lightning than most people, except Monica, who ventured out into the storm to driver her car away and save it. If Monica could do it, everyone else should have been able to do it to! She is by no means lithe and agile, and yet she managed to do it.

See what I mean? There are always two sides to every position.

Other than that, I LOVE the folks at IEs4Linux for being awesome enough to make IE available for, well, Linux.

Anyway, I have to get back to studying now.

I downloaded a bunch of music creation software today (free software, linux software, done right) so I'll be creating some music in the future. It will be good, or it will be bad, but either way, I will see that it is good.

Blessings all,